Stay up to date with recent changes to California labor law posters! In order for your business to stay in compliance with these recent changes, the updated posting(s) must be downloaded, printed, and then posted next to your current labor law poster. Remember, labor law posters must be posted in a conspicuous location so that all employees may see them.
1. EDD- Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave:
The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has updated its EDD notice regarding Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Paid Family Leave. The updated notice reflects a change to the online application platform, as well as formatting changes. The department recommends maintaining updated information, however, this update will not be mandatory until January 1, 2019. The poster revision date is August 8, 2018.
2. Unemployment Insurance Benefits:
The California Employment Development Department has updated its Notice to Employees regarding Unemployment Insurance Benefits notice. The updated notice reflects wording and formatting changes, as well as a transition to the UI online application platform. The poster revision date is August 8, 2018.
3. Workplace Discrimination:
The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) has updated its Workplace Discrimination and Harassment notice. The updated notice reflects a change to verbiage regarding applicants. The poster revision date is August 8, 2018.
About The Grady Firm. P.C.
The Grady Firm, P.C. attorneys specialize in helping businesses grow and succeed through employment, business, and immigration law advising for clients in California. They help perform personnel audits, draft/revise Employee Handbooks, train employers on employment law compliance, provide on-demand legal analysis for hiring and firing questions, and provide leadership and sexual harassment training in English and Spanish.

To learn more about ensuring your business is compliant with state and local laws, schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation with The Grady Firm’s attorneys; call +1 (949) 798-6298; or fill out a Contact Request Form.
*This article is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. This article does not make any guarantees as to the outcome of a particular matter, as each matter has its own set of circumstances and must be evaluated individually by a licensed attorney.
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