The Grady Firm, P.C. is proud to support the good work of Reading Opens Minds, a charity promoting community and literacy by bringing the joy of reading and sharing to disadvantaged populations and at-risk youth through book clubs in county jails, halfway houses, clinics and schools in the Los Angeles area. The organization provides new books and facilitates weekly, bi-monthly or monthly club meetings where members’ opinions and insights are heard and valued.
The Grady Firm attorneys agree with Reading Open Minds’ philosophy that the shared experience of reading and discussion encourages a stronger sense of self-worth, empathy and community, while supporting higher literacy levels. Reading Opens Minds provides new books and facilitates weekly, bi-monthly or monthly club meetings where members’ opinions and insights are heard and valued.
The Grady Firm made its donation through Process Green, and will continue to make this donation annually. Its attorneys will also act as volunteers during the after school program for middle school and high school students. To learn more about donating or volunteering for this organization, visit the Reading Opens Minds website.