Now that some states and counties are allowing employees to return to work, even in a limited capacity, employers need to consider how their workplace will be different due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. The following topics should be addressed in a revised Employee Handbook or Coronavirus Addendum to the Handbook. Policies longer than a few paragraphs, or that are important enough to need employee signatures, should be provided as a stand-alone policy.

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels
Return to Work Policy
Cleaning and Disinfecting Procedures
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy
Reporting Symptoms or potential exposure to Covid-19
Worker hygiene
Rules for shared work spaces
Social distancing measures
Changes to in-person meetings or travel requirements
Visitors in the workplace
Visiting clients and vendors
Testing for illness at the job site
Telecommuting policy (abridged version in Handbook)
Implementing Staggered work schedules
Updated Medical and family leave policies
Accommodations for high-risk employees
Employee Support Channels & Communication
Security procedures for remote workers
Employee refusal to return to work

Photo by Yasmina H on Unsplash
The following policies may be in-depth and require employee acknowledgement and signature because of the importance of the topic. They should be issued as stand-alone policies.
Employee consent to return to work
Request for Telecommuting Arrangement form and Telecommuting Policy and Agreement;
FFCRA Policy and Leave Request form

The Grady Firm can help you assess your risk and assist with preparing the above policies. Please call us at (949) 798-6298 to book a complimentary consultation. You can find our Covid-19 blogs, videos, and posts our website:
This article does not constitute legal advice. Please speak with a qualified employment lawyer in your jurisdiction before creating new employee policies.